Thursday, January 8, 2009

One more try

So I've tried blogging on and off for the past few years or so, and figured, it's a new year, I'm a new woman, why not start again?

So here goes...

I don't anticipate that anyone will ever read this blog, or care, or any of the above, but I don't particularly mind this go round, and I guess that's the difference. This blog is for me. This blog is for awesome people and awesome companies and awesome food and for me to brag on all of the above or, vent about the not so awesome things in life as well.

If you do read this and do care, please give me your thoughts on what, if anything, you'd like to read about and I'll do my best.

A little background on myself: I am currently 5+ months pregnant with my first kid (a girl is what they tell me), married 4 years this year to the Lennie the beer man (Saint Arnold to be exact), love cooking and food, freelance marketing designer/invitation designer, vocalist at times (weddings are best, because they actually pay money) and that's just about it. 

Alright, I'll just assume that someone out there cares about what I have to say and hope for the best. Who knows, maybe I'll even get a free Nintendo Wii and be able to blog about how amazing it is *hint hint*.

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